Thursday, January 28, 2010

How Much Do Pro Thinspos Weigh How Much Sleep Do You Think Pro Wrestlers Get A Night?

How much sleep do you think pro wrestlers get a night? - how much do pro thinspos weigh

It is not so much because of all the shows, will travel time and a gym.


Keith said...

I would say that my 4 to 5 hours of sleep, not because the majority of them leave the scene immediately after their segments, or after the show. Then, as you said, they should sign autographs, have their roots call to start the hour gym. Damn, I think that led some of the nearby town.

J'adore Steve Austin said...

I am pretty sure that there is not much. Honestly, I do not know how. To go and so much abuse in his body. You have to go to the gym, dealing with paparazzi and fans worried if the game is proceeding as planned, if he could see his family, to sacrifice a lot to get where they are sacrificing time and money and sleep, and all the stress. I could not do that. They are like superhuman.

Brandon said...

I doubt that much sleep. Lack of sleep is unhealthy and lack of sleep is another reason why boys do pop pills to get off their high level of sleep and wake them up when they are tired. It is a simple life in all

Homicide Knows Who Suicide Is! said...

A wrestler is about 5-7 hours of sleep per night than one of the reasons for those reasons. In addition to the self-signatures grapgh and promotion of all.

stone cold said...

do well and what I mean is that if the parties do not expect to sleep through the night and feel good all day. not all parties are responsible for some fighters.

jd75 said...

I have heard that the party wrestler interviews throughout the night and I think that is why steroids. (Steve Blackman in particular)

URINE said...

I'm waiting for 8 hours. It really depends on where you are and where you go the next day or maybe even overnight.

The Underdog said...

Steroids are a powerful drug ...

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